
Shaker Workbench

I really want to put together a nice post showing my workbench and explaining why it was built the way it is, but I haven't done it. So, here are a bunch of pictures.

Click on "Workbench" to see more posts about my Shaker Workbench or "plans" to see the SketchUp model

Since these pictures, I've added the anti-wrack pad to the front vise (which works great by the way) covered the chops of the front vise with leather, added the sliding board jack, and probably other things too.

More pictures and better formatting later.


dulcet pine said...

That is gorgeous! Nice job.

dulcet pine said...

That is gorgeous! Nice job.

Stephen Bauer said...

Very simple and very functional. Using this basic bench as inspiration, I am working on a similar design, but I'm leaning toward a leg vise and a tail vise. I would love to see more photos if you have any. Please post more.